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It Works! Independent Distributor. Daughter, Wife and Mother. Wishing for the best for my family, ALWAYS!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Why procrastinate?  If something needs done, just do it!  I find that my husband and I disagree the most because in his words, "I nag."  But if he would not procrastinate things for days, weeks and months upon end, then my asking for things to be completed would not not feel like nagging.  

The truth is that in a family everyone needs to carry their fair share of the weight.  They have their responsibilities that they must uphold.  Why must it be a daily battle of who is going to do what?  And why, oh why, must people push things to the next day and get upset when the time has arrived and it is time to complete them? 

A woman, I believe, is the center of the home.  We are not the slaves.  We are not made to be the housekeepers, especially when we work just as hard outside the home as the man.  The household chores need to be easily divided or almost divided among the parents.  As children get older, they then get household responsibilities as well.  

I am feeling that most of the "home duties" are put on me, and this is just expected.  Not a fair outlook.  Procrastinating so that someone else will complete your "chore" is not acceptable nor shined upon.  Once we become adults, our eyes must open and see that we are the ones that make our household what it is.  

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hangover Without Drinking?

Sometimes I think that I try to do so much, as a wife and mother, that it is too much.  This morning, I feel it.  I am experiencing a hangover...but had nothing to drink last night. Could it be due to lack of sleep?  Stress?  Other factors?  Whatever the reason, I could use a couch, some pop and a dark room.

I am a person with migraines. I have experienced them since I was in grade school.  Could this be effecting me today?  Who knows?  All I can add is this is going to be a short day and a short blog, because the words on the screen are even making me ill. 

The life of a mother does not stop because I just don't "feel well."  I have to push through and make the most of it.  Today will be what it will be... probably in just a slower pace than the rest.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Mondays are the most difficult day of the week.  Getting up, ready for work, preparing the children to go for the day.  It is as if the exhaustion from the weekend hits you like a hundred pound rock.

I try to accomplish so much on the weekend, seeing how those two days are my only days off.  In addition, I try to spend quality time with my children.  In the end, it is exhausting.  I need another weekend after the weekend to recoup. 

Mondays are by far my least favorite day of the week.  The weeks tend to go in a circle and Monday begins it all.  I look around the house at all I accomplished and see that it all disappeared.  The clothes I folded, replaced by dirty ones. The clean rooms, now dirty again.   The list goes on and on.

So, here I start another week.  Planning out what I am going to accomplish, what activities I would like to do with my children, and when I get "mommy time."  Notice that was at the end of the list.  For now, it is a full day of work ahead and a busy night to follow.  Such is the life of a working mother.

And to follow up from the previous post, I did not call a landscaper and yet no hole is made.  I might have to call tonight to see if he still has time.  Again, the hustle and bustle of the weekend overcame my day.  Before I knew it, I was asleep on the couch when I finally got my mommy time.

Happy Monday.  Set your week's goals high!  

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Getting Old?

So, two of my closest girls and I decided to head out last night.  Something I used to do quite often.  Lately, it has been very infrequent. This morning, I remember why... I'm just not as young as I used to be!

Turning 30 this year really hit me hard.  More emotionally, I would say.  Being a mother, I am used to going to bed at a reasonable hour... getting home after 2:00am and being woken up by the dog bright and early was a total overload! 

BUT, my husband did get up this morning.  Calendar, where are you!  And go figure, the dog slept till 6:30, followed by the children.  Still, my sleeping was interrupted from that point on.  Part of that mother instinct, I guess... or a dog jumping on your pillow!  It is going to be a long day.

Going out... being with my girls... dancing... A BLAST!  Getting up in the morning, AWFUL!  Sometimes I wish I was younger again.  Who am I kidding, I think about it daily. Some say 30 is young.  It is.  But, we all have those ages that we just cannot adjust to. This is mine.

So, I have a feeling today will be a long day! We shall see.  For now it is time to jump back into the role of mom! I sure will feel the exhaustion today more than normal.

Still no decision on the landscaper.  However, I don't think that my husband was not impressed with hiring one, nor a deadline given for him.  Only time will tell.  

Enjoy your Sunday!  Spend it with those you love! 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

To Hire a Landscaper?

So, my goal was to blog once a day... but I'm finding myself in a tough spot.  I have a smaller pool that I want to have put up for my kids, however the land will need leveled (a little).  I REALLY wanted it completed by the 4th of July. My husband is against the pool.  Extra work.

So, he finally agreed to help level the land. As of today, the pool progress is nowhere.  I will say he has been helping his father put up a fence EVERY weekend, so has not been home to do it, but we are now down to the wire.

I called a landscaper and they will be able to do it... for probably $120.00.  Not that I want to hand $120.00 that I was not planning to spend over, but I'm afraid the pool will never get up!

What to do... wait it out or bring in the pros and pay the cost. Keep bugging the hubby and have him get mad or let him get mad that I paid the money but at least it is done? 

Really all I want is to see my kids swimming in the pool. My son even bought a blow up shark with his own money (can we say excited!).   I have to let the landscaper know by tomorrow so I guess for today it is contemplating on a decision.

Up Before The Kids

You would think that with having children, they would be the ones to wake you up bright and early each morning.  In my household, I am woken up each and every morning by our puppy.  Can you call her a puppy anymore?  She is almost a year...  

We got her in September and since then my wake up call has been prior to 6:30 most mornings.  Today it was 5:48am.  Seeing how there are two adults in the house, you would think that we would take turns getting up?  Nope!  I am the one that is given the wonderful opportunity of waking with her each morning. 

Frustrating?  YES!  I am exhausted!  Time for a nap? NEVER!  Having a household of 5 (myself included) and a dog makes for a busy life.  Working full time on top of that makes it even busier.  

So why am I starting a blog?  I need a vacation! Vacations require time off, cooperation of all involved, money (and lots with a family of 5) and a dog sitter.  So, this is my vacation, my Island away from home.  The place that I can come to tell about the things that I love or hate.  The place that I am hoping other moms can relate to.  This is my Island. I hope that you enjoy or can in someway get a laugh or two out of my hectic life, because sometimes, I need to.

Welcome to my Island, your island, Mom's Island.