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It Works! Independent Distributor. Daughter, Wife and Mother. Wishing for the best for my family, ALWAYS!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Changes of a Child

2012 has brought about so many changes. So much growth has occurred in my family, it is hard to sit and list everything out. Each night before bed, I sit and realize how big my children are getting. They are in need of their mother however they are maturing and becoming their own person. Each one of them discovering their own personalities and who they are. What it is that they like to do and what they don't like to eat.

They are beginning to make their own choices whereas I used to make these choices for them. As a mother this is a bittersweet moment. You see this growth as a success. You have done something correct. This person that was once small enough to hold with one hand is beginning to be too big to pick up. They are able to make their own decisions and tell you about the world that they have explored. Looking from the other side, you are saddened because you are no longer needed in the way that you were years earlier. You are their mother... and always will be... but not their primary decision makers anymore. They are now their own person!

You will always be their guide, but now you must allow them to grow. In my opinion, it is one of the hardest parts of motherhood. Allowing to let go, little by little and watching them grow up. Giving them guidance and hoping they will take your words of wisdom to heart. Allowing them to be the people they want to be, not the people that we see that they should be. Through all this we still, as mothers, always want only the best for our children and will strive for nothing less. It is our job to teach them to see the best in themselves so they will strive for the same. Ultimately, they want mom to be happy. We are happy when they are happy. It is a big circle.

Each night, when I slip in my children's bedroom when they are sleeping and kiss them goodnight, cover them up and tell them I love them, I know they hear me. Just like when they stand at the foot of my bed after having a bad dream, I awake to them being there. We will always be linked to our children, as old as they get. Children are a wonderful gift. Each day is different and each experience brings a different outcome but in the end when all the chaos of life is put aside, the day begins and ends with them!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wow... Where did the time go?

I cannot believe the kids are back in school. Well obviously they are because it has been forever since I have had a minute to write. To top it off, Autumn begins in a few short days.  The days sure pass us by.

As I look around my home that I try so very hard to keep organized, I see all the things that need accomplished... STILL.  Now, my focus is elsewhere.  School, school and school.  With three children, that is where the focus is.  Then add in the extracurricular activities and you get a very busy family.  

But this is what being a family is all about. Watching your family grow and succeed.  Making sure that your children have what they need.  Loving them unconditionally.  Reorganizing your life for theirs.

The laundry, it can wait till tomorrow.  The hugs, the kisses and the conversations... those are a daily necessity through my eyes.  

Below is a page I reference often.  And below it is a quote that I find appropriate.  Enjoy!


 “Life, love, and laughter - what priceless gifts to give our children”
                                ~Phylis Campbell Dryden

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Summer Rewind

It has been some time since I have last written.  It is amazing how consuming the summer can be. Working Full Time outside the home 5 days a week is consuming in its own way, but then trying to pack so much into each evening and weekend with my children can be overwhelming.

I do a rewind of the summer and I am pleased.  I wish we would have gone on a large vacation; Somewhere far away.  Maybe in a year or two when finances are a little easier.  But we managed to make some wonderful memories this summer.  However, I can't believe it is over!  One week and the kids are back in school. Where does the time go?  

I hear rumors about children going to school all summer long with longer breaks throughout the year.  I am not in agreement with this.  Summer breaks, in my opinion, are needed.  Children need to recoup. They need time to absorb what they have learned and prepare for another year.  Moving right from one year to the next would seem like too much pressure.  Children need to be children.  I see too many growing up too fast now a days.

So as the days get shorter, the sun goes down earlier and the days begin to get the colder chill to them, my family will have all the random summer memories that we have created. As the children head back to school, we look forward to another summer vacation that will be here before we know it! 

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sunset Picts

Took some pictures of the sunset with my phone. There is nothing like a summer sunset.  I thought I would share.  Enjoy the beautiful day!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Busy Summer

Living in a location where I experience all four seasons, we are very excited when the summer months are actually upon us.  Being able to get outside to do family activities frequently is the goal that we try to achieve.  It sounds simple enough, but it can be exhausting and sometimes hard to attain.

I look in my personal calendar and see that on each weekend, there is an event scheduled.  This even occurs on weekdays.  The majority of these events are ones that we did not schedule.  From birthday parties, graduation parties, festivals, meetings, etc. the lists and plans seem endless.  We never seem to have free weekends to just randomly make a decision on what we want to do for that day.  The days are already laid out for us.

It is wonderful that we have activities going on during the summer months, but it becomes exhausting as well.  In addition, I feel that the household chores suffer because we are always on the run.  There is no time to re-cooperate from the weekend or events that we have attended.  Plus the heat alone exhausts the family. 

It seems that we try so hard to fit everything into the small time frame that we label "Summer."  I am curious how much of the summer we are actually enjoying.  I think it is the small things that matter the most.  The campfire... the summer drive... the ice cream truck treat... the swim...the beach... all the random unplanned things that we do that we tend to remember the most. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Can I Get My Foot In the Door?

I remember years ago watching a Chris Rock Comedy Special. One of my favorite lines he referenced was, "Let me get my other foot in the ... door." Now he was not referencing children, he was talking about relationships when he made the comment, however I think back to his comment each day!

I get home, walk in the door and before I can even turn around to close the door I hear," Mom, can I..." Here I am, purse, lunch box, bags,etc. in hand. The dog is jumping on me as the air conditioning is escaping the home. I am expected at that exact moment to what Get a drink, a snack, put on a show, goback out side for them to ride their bikes, etc. Can I please breathe? Can I have a moment to slow my mind from the day I have just had and process the fact that I am now home? Can I sit for just one moment? Or better yet, can I set my stuff down?

I am amazed by the amount of energy that my children have. I drink coffee to try to grasp a small amount of it. And I am thankful that they are able to have that energy. I just wish the energy could be put on pause for 5 minutes after work for me to be able to gather my thoughts.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ghost Application... Does it Work?

So a few days ago, my husband comes to me and tells me he had this application running on his cell phone while playing Pictionary with the kids.  It is called Ghost Radar Classic.  He tells me that while he was drawing pictures for the children, the phone, or application, spoke the words that he was drawing.

Of course, I was interested, as I have always had some sort of interest in the supernatural.  So, I would walk around the house with the application on, and sure enough, in certain parts of the home, I would find more activity than others.  Some of the messages made sense while others, not so much.

After reading up on the Ghost Radar Classic I am a skeptic.  Do I want to believe it is real?  Maybe.  Why am I not 100% sold?  If it were this easy to track spirits and communicate, then   why do true "Ghost Hunters" not use them... at least not that I have seen.

I guess this "application" will always be up for discussion as long as it is out there.  Till then, it is your own personal opinion on what you want to believe...